Saturday, August 22, 2009

Dear all

i am in a seriously weird mood now...

so, i decided to bore whoever unfortunate person who choose to visit my blog after i unofficially officially announced that my blog is dead. hehe

the long boring post should deter you all from reading further posts from me in future.for quite some time at least. hehe. smile! relax. i wont post essays next time. (i think)

i promise that i will really and truly write something interesting in future. i just dun have time right now...

dear all who keep pestering me to update my blog: i updated my blog. :) make sure you read every word of my post!!!! every word of the essay! hehe

estimated date for next update: at least 60 days from now.

signing out for now. preparing for the enormous mutant monster i will be facing in 2 weeks time: the trials; and 2 months from now another bigger evil-ler( is there such a word?) monster...wish me luck.

The uses and abuses of telecommunication technology

Telecommunication technology is evolving faster than the speed of light. Fifty years ago, no one would have believe that men will some day be using a small gadget that can do everything from showing the time, making phone calls, sending messages and e-mails, recording videos, taking photos, sending information and data all with just one simple flick of the thumb. For this matter, men living half a century ago would totally have no idea what e-mails are leaving alone having any idea what iphones and Blackberrys meant. In this new era however, the development of science and technology has taken over a big part of men’s life. Nowadays, men are falling over each other to invent something, anything that could make life easier. Yet, it seemed that following the development of technology, human’s life face more threats. Teenagers and young adults nowadays are not as innocent as they used to be. They have learnt lots of things that they will never learn from text books from a greater teacher – the internet. Following their “enlightenment”, many of them become involved in unspeakable crimes. While most humans lament that technology is to be blamed for the multitude of crimes that threaten humans nowadays, some still believe that technology is but a tool. As a tool, technology can do nothing to threaten the society; it is the misuse of the technology that threatens society. It is humans that use a technology that threatens society, the fault is at the user of the technology, not the technology itself. Technology has no conscience or self awareness while humans do. So, what are the uses of technology and how can it change our life if it is misused?

The former prime minister of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew may claim that air conditioner is the best invention of all times. Although his claim held lots of truth, there is an even bigger invention that had rewritten the story line of mankind – the computer. From a huge machine as big as a room that could only store a few bytes of information, the computer had evolved into a compact device that could store information, interpret data, do calculations, do word processing to name a few of its uses. The computer also provides a avenue for humans to be in touch with humans from all over the world, transforming the world into a global village because it enables us to surf the internet. The internet had opened up a whole new dimension of life that was previously unknown to human. With the internet, it is possible for us to read about just about everything under the sun. For example, if one is interested to know more news on Taiwan, the state which is currently stricken by the Typhoon Morakot, a click of the mouse will bring accurate news of the happenings in Taiwan complete with video clips and comments. If a child is interested in dinosaurs, a simple click would enable the child to learn all about these prehistoric animals complete with coloured diagrams, video clips, interesting interactive games and all sorts of other mentally stimulating ways that make learning fun. Also, the internet had also made it possible for us to be in touch with just about anybody on Earth as long as the person concerned has an internet connection. E-mails and chat rooms are just some examples of using the internet to catch up with friends on any corner of the world. Besides, the invention of social networking sites such as Myspace, Facebook, Twitter and so on had made it easier to keep up with what is happening to your friends. Similarly, if one is to follow blogs of famous politicians and bloggers, one would be constantly in touch with what is happening around us.

Unfortunately, the computer has one big flaw. Although it can be used to amplify a benevolent will and accomplish much good, it can also be used to amplify a malevolent will and do much harm. Since the internet provides us with almost unbridled control on what kind of information one could get, this makes materials such as pornography and false information easily accessible, corrupting those who are not strong-minded. Moreover, there are billions of netizens on Earth and this makes it very easy for people to spread rumours really fast. For example, one could say that Mr So-and-So is involved in drugs and spread this on the internet. This rumour will spread like wild fire, being swallowed whole by the scandal loving people. Before poor Mr So–and-So knows what hit him, he would be shunned by most of his acquaintances. This is an example of one of the misuses of technology which is character assassination that has become so rampant following the boom in the use of the internet. Also, the internet provides lots of information which might include reports and project works. This has given rise to lots of cases of plagiarism. Some of the people who plagiarise are simply not aware of plagiarism being a crime; others simply cannot be bothered. On top of that, the internet can be a very dangerous place for people. Lots of paedophiles prey on their victims through the internet. They lure their victims out of their safety zone by using false identities, slowly gaining their victims’ trust. They might succeed in making these foolish victims meet up with them. These victims, usually young girls, will meet up with these paedophiles and this might be the end of them…

Another technology which has brought a big change to human is the handphone. Nowadays, this small miraculous gadget has taken over the role of the watch, the camera, the video camera, the phone, the calculator and it will some day completely take over the role of the computer. Communicating with people from all over the world is now a very simple task. Hundreds of year ago, a message or a letter can reach its recipient within a few months time, depending on how faraway the recipient is. However, with the invention of the handphone, messages, phone calls and e-mails can reach its recipient within seconds of it being sent. Besides, it is also possible for a person to send pictures, video clips and even songs and other files to other people. Regrettably, this has given rise to a phenomenon known as sexting which is now very popular with young adults. This unhealthy culture which involves sending naked photos of oneself to others is slowly being integrated as a “normal” activity following the increase in the number of people engaged in this act. Furthermore, lots of young couple film themselves having sex with handphones. These activities are downright immoral and should be stopped. In this case, technology is being misused to satisfy humans’ distorted desire.

In a nutshell, a knife could be used to cut or kill and technology acts pretty much the same way. It could be exploited to its full potential both ways- negatively or positively. Remember this quote of Einstein’s: The world is a dangerous place to live in; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it. Therefore, people should unite as one and there should be a concerted effort in educating the people so that technology will not be misused. If humans are educated to use technology properly, this could prove to be another great step for humans towards achieving another new height for mankind.